Leesa Reviews: Will Their Mattress Help You Sleep Better?

Leesa's mattresses are budget-friendly and use high-quality memory foam. But read on to learn if these mattresses are better left forgotten.

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Published by Chris Riley on December 21, 2022

Leesa Intro | An Overview | Sleep Quality | Cost | Variety | Customer Service | Verdict

If you’re like 70% of Americans who don’t get enough sleep at least one night a month, or like 11% of Americans who don’t get enough sleep during any night of the week, it might be time for a new mattress that can help you get closer to snoozing more regularly.

Leesa is a bedding and mattress company that offers a variety of different options for varied sleeping types.

But will the Leesa mattresses give you a new lease on life, or should they be the least of your concerns? In this in-depth review, we’ll cover everything so you can rest easy knowing if you made the right bedding decision.

What Is Leesa?

Leesa is a mattress company with a mission to help give you a better place to sleep. While their mattresses are their main draw, they also offer other sleeping accessories like bed frames, pillows, cushions, comforters, and mattress toppers.

Leesa is a B Company, which basically means that they use their business as a force for good. The company’s headquarters run on renewable energy and they donate one mattress for every ten that are sold.

As far as those mattresses go, Leesa offers four different kinds, each with its own unique benefits and pricing. 

  • Their Original is a foam mattress that contours to your body’s shape. Its breathable fabric also allows for a cool night’s rest.
  • The Hybrid mattress combines memory foam with classic springs for an advanced layer of firm support. 
  • The Legend mattress, which is perhaps the company’s main attraction, offers two layers of pocket springs, memory foam, and microcoils for even more support from any sleeping position.
  • Finally, the Studio mattress is a budget-friendly option that incorporates three layers of foam. It’s meant for those in temporary apartment settings, rather than permanent homes.

Every one of their options is a “mattress in a box,” which means that the mattress arrives in a slim package. You’ll take it out of the box and allow it to fully expand for a few days before you can get full use out of it.

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Leesa Review

Leesa Mattresses: An Overview

We tried Leesa’s Legend Mattress, which combines the benefits of both their Original and Hybrid mattress into one.

Here are some of the major advantages that we noticed:


  • The combination of foam and springs offers great support and alignment when you sleep on your back or your stomach.
  • Thanks to the top layer of breathable foam, this mattress makes for a really cool and comfortable night’s rest.
  • The setup process is insanely easy.
  • There are plenty of budget-friendly mattress options to choose from.
  • Their 100-day guarantee provides you some security, so you can see if you like it before you secure the buy.
  • You can feel good about your purchase because of the company’s charitable donations.

As with any mattress, nothing’s perfect. Here are some of the disadvantages of the Leesa Mattress.


  • While the website claims their mattresses rank a 5 to 7 average out of 10 for firmness, these mattresses are definitely more firm than they claim. If you’re a side sleeper, you might want something a bit softer.
  • The bed comes with a chemical smell that we had trouble getting rid of, even after a few weeks.
  • You can feel movement on this bed, so it might not be the best option for couples who sleep in the same bed.

Those are the main points, but let’s get into the nitty-gritty and dissect each of these points a little bit deeper. And for clarity, when we say “we,” we really mean me — I volunteered to test the Leesa out (and spoiler: I wasn’t disappointed). 

  • The combination of foam and springs offers great support and alignment when you sleep on your back or your stomach.
  • Thanks to the top layer of breathable foam, this mattress makes for a really cool and comfortable night’s rest.
  • The setup process is insanely easy.
  • There are plenty of budget-friendly mattress options to choose from.
  • Their 100-day guarantee provides you some security, so you can see if you like it before you secure the buy.
  • You can feel good about your purchase because of the company’s charitable donations
  • While the website claims their mattresses rank a 5 to 7 average out of 10 for firmness, these mattresses are definitely more firm than they claim. If you’re a side sleeper, you might want something a bit softer.
  • The bed comes with a chemical smell that we had trouble getting rid of, even after a few weeks.
  • You can feel movement on this bed, so it might not be the best option for couples who sleep in the same bed.

Sleep Quality

I tried the Leesa Legend queen-sized mattress for 90 days to see how well it matched up compared to my previous mattress: a queen Zinus green tea memory foam mattress.

Prior to using the Leesa Legend, I experienced backaches from sleeping as well as some trouble falling asleep at night. Additionally, I often woke up a little bit too hot under the covers and needed to remove some layers before being able to fall back to sleep.

The experience with Leesa was overall positive. One of the aspects I really liked was that it made for a really cool night’s sleep. The temperature of the bed remained really comfortable despite warm and humid weather outside.

Also, I felt that it offered really great support when I slept on my back. This was helpful in alleviating some of the discomfort upon waking, and it also made it easier to fall asleep.

With that said, this mattress is more firm than you may be ready for. When I turned on my side, it felt like I was laying on a very stiff cushion. It didn’t offer the support that I would have hoped, and I actually felt that our Zinus memory foam mattress had offered a better night’s rest for side sleeping.

Moreover, the bed jostled around when I tossed and turned, which was frustrating when I had another person sleeping in the same bed. The other person’s movement often woke me up, and I had the same effect on them.

By contrast, however, the bed is really quiet and you can’t hear the springs move or compress when you turn. Plus, the bed was so easy to set up, and I didn’t need to wait 48 hours to sleep in it like most mattresses-in-a-box. While it takes about an hour to “inflate,” you can sleep in it during night one. It just takes a few days to expand to its full potential.

Finally, I should note that the mattress has a bit of an unpleasant chemical smell that is strongest after unpacking. While it definitely dissipated within a few days, I sometimes got a whiff of it as I hopped into bed at night. It’s not something that kept me up, but it could be frustrating for someone with a sensitive nose.


One of the major advantages of Leesa is that they offer many different mattress options all for different price points. The Leesa Legend is on the luxury end of the spectrum, and it cost $2,039 for the queen size. This is on the high end of the spectrum, but for a hybrid foam and spring, it’s decently fair.

However, their Studio budget option starts at just $699 for a queen, and it’s as little as $499 for a twin size. This is a really accessible option especially for college students or individuals moving into a short-term rental where they just need a functional mattress for a while.

Leesa allows you to make monthly payments, too, so you can break up your payments into smaller chunks over time rather than making one upfront.

But their risk-free 100-night trial helps to make any price pretty understandable. That’s because you can try the mattress for over three months to see if you actually like it. If you don’t, you can return it for a full refund. They’ll even come pick it up from your house for you, free of charge.

Finally, delivery is free and their 10 year warranty ensures that any defects in the mattress are completely covered. It’s a nice amount of insurance for your investment, should you decide to get one.

Budget Friendly
Leesa Original

Leesa Original

  • Our fan-favorite, all-foam mattress made with premium foams for cooling, contouring and pressure-relieving support.
  • Comfort & support with the hug and bounce you want from a mattress.
  • Our gray, twill cover is soft, breathable and beautiful, featuring our signature four-stripe design.

As low as $41/mo


Buy Mattress Now
Foam and Dual Spring Hybrid
Leesa Legend

Leesa Legend

  • Luxury hybrid mattress, with two layers of springs—pocket springs for edge-to-edge support & microcoils for targeted hip and shoulder support.
  • Top layer of Leesa-exclusive foam offers medium-firm comfort with the perfect hug & bounce.
  • A sustainable mattress cover, with 100% organic cotton, Merino wool to wick away moisture & fiber from recycled water bottles.

As low as $79/mo


Buy Mattress Now
Foam and Spring Hybrid
Leesa Hybrid

Leesa Hybrid

  • Our award-winning, advanced hybrid mattress combines the benefits of premium foam with pocket springs for comfort and advanced support.
  • A hole-punched top layer of foam sleeps cool, providing the hug and bounce you want in a mattress.
  • 1,000+ active response pocket springs provide durability and stability for enhanced support for all types of sleepers.

As low as $57/mo


Buy Mattress Now
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Again, we really like how many options there are on the Leesa site for different price ranges. Their Legend is luxury priced, their Studio is budget-friendly, and the Original and Hybrid models fall somewhere in the mid-range. This makes these mattresses accessible for most people.

The only real issue is that every single mattress has the same level of firmness: a five to seven out of ten. This means that Leesa wouldn’t appeal to you if you like a softer mattress, or if you tend to sleep on your side. And while they offer mattress toppers for extra cushion, they are an added cost that is not included with the original purchase price.

Customer Service

Accessing customer service assistance through the Leesa website is easy, and we had a pleasant experience overall. We used the chat feature available on the site from around 10 am to 8 pm EST on weekdays. They were responsive and helpful in answering our questions.

Plus, they directed us to their blog where they’ve got tons of questions and answers, as well as general information about sleep health.

Who Should Use Leesa Mattresses?

Leesa mattresses are high-quality mattresses that can be used by a wide variety of sleepers.

For one, budget shoppers who are looking to get a nice mattress at a low price point should consider their Original and Studio lines to get the job done effectively.

However, their Legend mattress is a luxury option that is meant for people who like a firm mattress with tons of great support for the stomach and back. The “mattress-in-a-box” style also makes these great choices for people who live in situations where it’s impossible to carry a full-size mattress upstairs or into an elevator.

These mattresses are probably not for people who sleep on their side, as it doesn’t offer as much support as you might expect.

In Conclusion

Leesa’s line of mattresses is high quality and priced fairly. And since every ten mattresses sold equals a donation to someone in need, you can feel good about your purchase both inside and outside.

Some of the major benefits of the Leesa mattresses are that they are comfortable and supportive when sleeping on the back and stomach. They also have budget and luxury options for every price range, as well as other accessories to help you get a better night’s sleep.

The major drawbacks include the fact that every mattress has the same level of firmness, all of which are not comfortable for sleeping on your side. We also noticed a chemical smell that didn’t seem to go away, even after a few weeks.

Overall, Leesa’s mattresses can give you a cool, comfortable night’s rest if you’re a back sleeper on a budget. But if you like to sleep on your side, or if you want access to a range of different firmness options, you may need to look elsewhere.

References and Sources:

The State of SleepHealth in America | SleepHealth.org.

How to Choose a Mattress | Sleep Foundation

Slide show: Sleeping positions that reduce back pain | The Mayo Clinic

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Jacqueline Hensler


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