Hims Hair Loss Review: Is it Legit?

Hims Hair Review
The Hims Total Hair Package contains clinically proven components that are effective at stopping hair loss and promoting hair growth, including saw palmetto thickening shampoo, minoxidil 5% solution, and biotin gummies.

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Published by Chris Riley on January 9, 2024

Hair Loss in Men | Hims Total Hair Package | Does it Work?

An estimated 85 percent of men experience hair loss by the time they turn 50, but male pattern baldness doesn’t have to be permanent.

Over the counter hair regrowth packages, including the Hims Total Hair Package, can help men stop hair loss and promote hair regrowth without prescription products.

If you’re interested in trying out these Hims products and hair kit for male pattern hair loss, but are wondering whether or not it’s actually legit, we’ve put together a Hims Total Hair Package Review that contains everything you need to know.

Hims Hair Review
Hims Hair Review

What are the common causes of hair loss in men?

No matter how old you are when you start losing your hair, it can be a bitter pill to swallow.

Most men are familiar with the unfortunate reality that most will lose hair and experience a receding hairline as they age, but there are many different reasons why men experience hair loss.


Male pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia, is by far the most common reason why men lose their hair.

Male pattern baldness is genetic, so the condition runs in families, although researchers are unclear exactly how it is passed down. 

Male pattern baldness can begin as early as your teenage years. In fact, about 25 percent of men who experience male pattern baldness will experience noticeable hair loss by the time they turn 21. 

As men age, they are more likely to experience male pattern baldness, with a full 85 percent of men experiencing hair loss by the age of 50.

Male pattern baldness occurs when levels of androgen dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, rise in the body due to hormonal changes.

When DHT levels increase, the hair follicles start to shrink, causing the existing hair to fall out and preventing new hair from growing.

About 95 percent of male hair loss is attributed to male pattern baldness and increased levels of DHT in the scalp.

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Hims Hair Loss Review

Medical Issues

Medical history and certain health conditions can also cause hair loss. Conditions including anemia, thyroid problems, or an iron or protein deficiency can cause hair to thin, as can diabetes and lupus.

People taking certain types of medications, including drugs for cancer, arthritis, depression, gout, high blood pressure, and heart problems can also experience hair loss as a side effect of their medication.


Experiencing stress, whether with your physical, emotional, or mental health can cause a type of hair loss called telogen effluvium.

This type of hair loss is usually temporary and can result from sudden or excessive weight loss, surgery, severe illness, or a severe physical or emotional shock. 


Certain infections of skin, including ringworm, can cause hair loss in certain parts of the scalp or body. The hair usually returns after the infection is treated.

Autoimmune Disease

Some people experience hair loss as a result of a type of autoimmune disease called alopecia areata.

The condition causes round bald spots approximately the size of a quarter to appear on the head, and it is caused by the immune system attacking the hair follicles. 


Trichotillomania is a chronic condition in which people have the urge to pull out their own hair. The condition can affect hair on the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, or elsewhere on the body.

Trustworthiness and Reviews

As a consumer, you are probably at the point where you understand the brand and the product, now you have just one question left: can I trust this company?

You want to be sure that their hair loss products are legitimate, their service is reliable and safe, and you trust their company with your health. 

The good news, from what we’ve found, we are positive we can say that Hims can be trusted for your hair loss medications.

Hims currently has 887 reviews on Trustpilot, and 80% of those reviews gave Hims at least four out of five stars. Here is a hair loss review from Ace that sums up our general overview of public reviews:

“I’ve tried a few different products for hair restoration in the past but stopped as they smelled bad or left my (remaining) hair crispy/itchy. Hims is great, smells surprisingly good and doesn’t leave a residue. Their customer service and postage time is excellent and having the minoxidil and finasteride together in a topical agent is amazing as I couldn’t tolerate the pill form of finasteride. Excellent product I would recommend to anyone who has hair loss issues”

What is included in the Hims Total Hair Package?

The Hims Total Hair Package contains three components that are designed to address the most common causes of hair loss in men: thickening shampoo, minoxidil 5% hair regrowth solution, and biotin gummy vitamins. The package is available without a prescription and can be purchased at local retailers and big box stores.

Thickening Shampoo

The first ingredient in the Hims Total Hair Package is a thickening shampoo made from saw palmetto.

Saw palmetto has been shown to help target DHT in the scalp and lower the levels of DHT, helping to slow hair loss and promote hair regrowth.

The thickening shampoo removes buildup from hair, helping to unblock the hair follicles and stimulate the regrowth of new hair.

Plus, it helps add volume to your existing hair, giving you a fuller look while you wait for your hair to regrow.

Minoxidil 5% Hair Regrowth Solution

Minoxidil is one of the heavy hitter active ingredients in the hair regrowth world. Commonly sold under brand names like Rogaine, minoxidil is a topical solution that does not require a prescription.

The solution works as a vasodilator, meaning that it works by dilating the blood vessels and increasing the blood flow to certain parts of the body – in this case, the balding scalp. 

It is believed that when minoxidil is applied to the head, it interacts with a substance called sulfotransferase on the scalp, which converts it into the active form of minoxidil.

Once the solution has been converted into its active form, it acts on the hair follicle’s resting, or telogen phase and pushes it into the growth, or anagen phase prematurely.

As a result, the hair starts to grow back more quickly and grows in longer and thicker than it did previously. Unlike saw palmetto, minoxidil does not interact with your hormones and does not affect the levels of DHT in the body. 

Biotin Gummies

The final health product in the Hims Total Hair Package is biotin gummies. Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, belongs to the B complex of vitamins and has long been linked to the health of the hair, skin, and nails.

The body uses biotin to help convert certain nutrients into energy, but it also is used to improve the infrastructure of keratin, a type of protein that makes up the bulk of our hair, skin, and nails.

As a result, getting too little biotin as part of your daily diet can result in hair, skin, and nails that are brittle, weak, or dull. Taking biotin supplements can help improve the health of the hair, skin, and nails, making it an ideal addition to any hair loss treatment package.

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Does the Hims Total Hair Package actually work?

The Hims Total Hair Package consists of components that are clinically proven to help promote the health and regrowth of your hair and assist in preventing hair loss.

Each of the components has been scientifically evaluated for its ability to help stop hair loss and prevent hair regrowth, so when combined, they pack a powerful punch.

Thickening, DHT-Blocking Shampoo

The most important and beneficial ingredient in the Hims Thickening Shampoo is saw palmetto, which helps to reduce levels of DHT in the scalp. Saw palmetto berries lower DHT levels by being 5-alpha-reductase enzyme blockers, which are what convert testosterone to DHT. Because elevated levels of DHT can cause hair loss in men prone to male pattern baldness, one of the most effective ways to stop hair loss and promote hair regrowth is to lower the levels of DHT in the body. One study evaluating the effectiveness of saw palmetto for hair loss found that half of the study participants saw an increase in their hair count after four months of treatment with topical saw palmetto.


Minoxidil has been widely studied in order to demonstrate its effectiveness in treating hair loss. The first study evaluating minoxidil in 1987 found  that 40 percent of men experienced moderate to dense hair growth on the crown of the head while using minoxidil. An observational study conducted over a period of one year found that 62 percent of study participants using 5% minoxidil, the same concentration that is found in the Hims Total Hair Package, reported a reduction in hair loss and at least 84 percent achieved some increase in hair regrowth with minimal side effects.


Biotin supplements have also been assessed for their potential to promote hair growth. A study conducted in 2015 found that women with thinning hair who took biotin for 90 days experienced a significant amount of hair growth in areas affected by hair loss and also had less shedding of existing hair. Another study of women between 21 and 75 years of age found that hair growth and quality, including overall hair volume, scalp coverage, and thickness, improved after treatment of 90 and 180 days. 


The Hims Total Hair Package is the real deal. Each of the three components are clinically proven to help stop hair loss and promote hair regrowth in men experiencing hair loss. Men experiencing significant hair loss may also benefit from using an FDA-approved oral prescription medication called finasteride to promote hair regrowth. A finasteride prescription and the medication itself can be obtained directly from the Hims website thanks to their telemedicine services.

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Reviewed By

Chris Riley


Edited By

Chris Riley


We are committed to providing our readers with only trusted resources and science-based studies with regards to medication and health information. 

Disclaimer: This general information is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace your healthcare professional. If you suspect medical problems or need medical help or advice, please talk with your healthcare professional.


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